Landman 2024–  online

Watch writer/director Taylor Sheridan’s most popular films and TV series on IMDb, ranked by user rating


A contemporary story about finding your fortune in the world of West Texas oil rigs.. A landowner, at least one who works in the oil industry, will act as intermediary between geological exploration companies and landowners. Usually, a landowner’s job is to negotiate and enter into contracts with landowners with mineral rights in order to lease these rights to the company they represent.

They also partially correct, solve problems and mediate

In essence, they manage the land and secure the lease so they can drill for oil and gas. As a foreman on a construction site, they build roads, living quarters for workers (men’s camp), assemble earthmoving equipment and drill the well itself, especially in remote areas. Taylor Sheridan makes her female characters very shallow even when they seem strong, so this series is no different.

This is his show!

But for me, the show is a winner, because Billy Bob steals every wall; even those where half-naked women appear! How the oil business is described probably very accurately reflects how the industry is run. BB has the best lines to describe the value of oil and what makes the world (oil) go round.

His female characters are very imperfect

The scenery is gorgeous, the way the rigs work is actually quite instructive. I just don’t understand why the daughter is such a fool and the wife is such a loser, but I guess that’s the Sheridan way. But for great lines and Billy Bob Thornton at his best, watch this show.

He is brilliant

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